I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.
The Spirit works in us to adjust our perspective. He helps us to gain an appreciation for the Kingdom, for the eternal, for the things of God that we would otherwise have missed.
Paul called the church at Corinth to unity by focusing on the common ground that they shared in Christ. In order to share in the unity of Christ, we must first belong to Christ.
There is a strong conflict over who the central character of this story. This story highlights the work of God on behalf of His people, through His leader, for His purposes.
Only God can bring us to fulfill the true identity that He created us to have. There is nothing else in this world that can bring that kind of meaning and value to our lives.
Deborah is the judge of Israel, but the power that God filled her with to deliver His people from oppression had nothing to do with physical strength or skill. She delivered God's people through her influence.